Workera Connect
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The most trusted AI talent acquisition platform
AI practitioners in our community
ai job matches
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Step 4
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Make the right hire for your AI team
Many roles make up an AI team. Each role requires specific skills and knowledge. Thus, it is critical to hire the right role to perform a given set of job tasks. On Workera Connect, you’ll find 9 types of AI practitioners.
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Data Scientist
Machine Learning Engineer
Software Engineer-ML
Software Engineer
Data Analyst
Machine Learning Researcher
Deep Learning Engineer
Software Engineer-DL
Deep Learning Researcher
Job Tasks
Machine Learning
Data Science
Algorithmic Coding
Deep Learning
Software Engineering
Data scientists carry out data engineering, modeling, and business analysis tasks. Their skills complement those of people who deploy models and build software infrastructure.
Meet vetted AI talent within days
Engineers and scientists on Workera have passed computerized adaptive tests created by a team of experts led by Dr. Andrew Ng and Kian Katanforoosh from and Stanford University.
Trusted by AI, education, and HR leaders across 100+ companies.